A New Podcast!
So some of you know that I already have a podcast, This Outside Life. And while I think the interviews of people who spend a lot of time outside in fascinating ways is worthy and wonderful, I’ve decided to start up another podcast.
First of all, This Outside Life podcasts are loooong. Not everyone has an hour to listen to someone’s story. Also, they are secular. Which is not good or bad, the podcast is about enjoying the outdoors, not religion. But it does mean that if I’m interviewing an atheist about hiking or a Jewish person on whale watching, I’m certainly not going to wax on about finding Jesus. It’s just not the time or place.
So my new podcast will combine my love for the outdoors, and my love for God. And it will be shorter, just 15 minutes or so. In bite-sized pieces, you will discover interesting facts about nature and discover hope for your life.
It’s called The Nature of Hope and I’m full of hope that you will learn from it, love it, and destress and refresh in the beautiful world God made for us to delight in.
I’ll be talking about concepts from my books, like gardening, birds and nature in general. The goal is to get y’all outside more and connecting with God through the natural world.
At my mother’s funeral we sang her favorite hymn, This is My Father’s World. It pretty much sums up the love and joy I feel, and most believers feel when encountering the glories of creation outside.
“This is my Father’s world, and to my listening ears, all nature sings and round me rings the music of the spheres.
This is my Father’s world: I rest me in the thought, of rocks and trees, of skies and seas—His hand the wonders wrought.”